Summer Fun!

So far this summer has been a BLAST! We started it off with a vacation to Arkansas to see my family for a week.  It was an eventful trip to say the least but it was very nice to see all of my family and even a nephew that I had not seen since he was born.  It was nice to come home to the clear, dry air.  The humidity there is killer!  We have went fishing A LOT this summer and the kids really enjoy it because they get to jump in the water!  We even got to go camping last weekend for one night and it was nice! We have had a very fun-filled summer and have done a lot of fun things as a family and I am so grateful for that.  It is that time of year again to start getting the kids ready to start school and the summer is coming to an end, boohoo!  Here is a peek at some of the things we have been doing!
Happy Kids!

Morgan LOVES the water!
McKelle wouldn't let go of the boat! :)